Briana Burke
I am a chameleon. Blending with my surroundings, hiding from predators, walking through life with caution. Head down, camouflage intact, eyes constantly shifting. My mind overflowing with thoughts and fears, fighting for survival. I watch the world from above, moving amongst the leaves, not daring to make a sound. Skin like a colour changing shield, keeping threats at bay. Eyes like searchlights hunting for danger. My blood runs cold as fresh-fallen snow, pumping through reptilian veins. I see the beauty that life has to offer, but I do not indulge, for the fear of being caught is to grave. The sweet smell of careless bliss that I so wish I could possess, haunts me like the remnants of a forgotten dream. I fight against my nature, I try to be seen, but biology always wins. I move from branch to branch, armour blanketing me, my presence forever left undetected.