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November Horoscopes

Howe Sound Unmasked

By Viviane-Marie Broy



Colour: Rust

Mineral: Garnet

This month, in particular, is good to speak up, make your points and serve justice. You may also start laying your path for your own future and do always remember even the unlucky, shall be lucky once




Colour: Blue

Mineral: Amethyst

For you this month holds new knowledge and new chances arising as the month proceeds. Maybe true love is closer than it seems, just remember to choose your own way and not let your true way be influenced by anyone.



Colour: Pale Green

Mineral: Aquamarine

November is a turning point in your life, it may not be a big event but it will have great significance in the future. Just bear in mind that justice can be served, but it starts with every one of us.



Colour: Red

Mineral: Diamond

Starting this month you can choose to start over. You are given the power to tear down walls, that have been holding you back. But always remember the truth shall be told, even if one may not want to hear it.


Apr.21-May 21

Colour: Green

Mineral: Emerald

2019 has been an interesting year of justice and new knowledge for you. November will continue this path and it is for you to make the best of it. With this knowledge just always know that everything that is broken can be repaired, one just has to try hard enough.


May 22- June 22

Colour: Yellow

Mineral: Pearl

Gambling may not be your best move this November, but as long as you stay on the right way and are true to yourself you shall be successful in achieving your main goals. Just be aware of your actions and your path will be straightforward.


June 23- July 22

Colour: Ivory or Silver

Mineral: Ruby

Trying hard can help you in a lot of situations, but sometimes trying too hard will not reward you. This month you should reduce your time to the important things in your life and they will work out for you. Always be proud of your achievements and don’t let other's opinions pull you down.


July 23-Aug.22

Colour: Gold

Mineral: Peridot

In November you will have the chance to make up for things and make up to people you have wronged. For you, this month is a month of starting over and being true to yourself. If you show courage and stand up for even your enemy, it doesn’t make you better than others, it just makes you a better version of yourself.



Colour: Olive green

Mineral: Sapphire

November to you is a month of hard work and self reached success. 2019 may have been a hard year for you, but with a little more work in November you will reach your goals and you can start 2020 with a new spirit.



Colour: Greenish blue

Mineral: Opal

This month will hold a great event for you. It may not be what you wished for, but as long as you stay positive and keep the general picture in mind, you will be stronger after this experience. Just remember, the worst events will give you the best knowledge about yourself.



Colour: Mahogany Red

Mineral: Topaz

This is your month, even if your year so far hasn’t gone as planned this month will most likely make up for it. You will come across great new things and learn more about yourself. This month will be a turning point for you and the people around you.



Colour: Royal purple

Mineral: Turquoise

November for you is a month of reflection. Reflecting on the entire year of 2019 and being appreciative of all the good the year has brought you, even if it is not a great amount. Be thankful for even the worst experience and try to learn from every one of them.

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